Sunday, April 19, 2009

Monkey Bread!

I had been saying all last week that I was going to make some monkey bread. I finally got around to it today when it was probably the worst day possible to have the oven on. It was 100 degrees in here. Look at the result though. Doesn't that just look so delicious? I baked it with raisins and pecans.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Samoa's, Jenny Style!

I love girlscout cookies! I hate the fact that when I have a craving, I cannot get them all year round. My favorite cookie is the Samoa. I found a recipe for the coconut caramel topping and adapted it to work for me. This is a recipe where you'll have to have a little knowledge about caramel and the caramelization process. That or just buy the little caramels and melt them down with evaporated milk.

Super yum!