Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Simple Spiced Syrup

I had elaborate plans to make a Vanilla Caramel Bourbon Sauce, but I really messed it up somehow because it set with two layers and was not a uniform tasty sauce at all. To try again for a holiday gift, I went with an easier recipe. I made 12 of these for my bosses and coworkers. I was paranoid due to the last creation that I only made one jar at a time. Because of that, I was up until one a.m. when I had to be up around six a.m. the next day. I think it turned out quite nice. I hope it tastes good!! I think it would be tasty in hot tea. The ingredients are: sugar, water, whole cloves, peppercorns, orange zest peel, and cinnamon stick. The recipe called for an anise flower as well, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

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